Run validator
Run Deelance Validator
Validator Hardware Requirements
Instance Spec: Suggest r7a.4xlarge instance type on AWS.
Memory: 64 GB
Disk: IMPORTANT 4T GB, solid-state drive(SSD), gp3, 8k IOPS, 500 MB/S throughput, read latency <1ms (if start with snap sync, it will need NVMe SSD).
Network Bandwidth: > 10 Gbps
CPU: "AMD Gen 3 or newer" or "Intel Ice Lake or newer"
Memory: 16 GB
Disk: 1.5 TB, solid-state drive(SSD), gp3, 8k IOPS, 250 MB/S throughput.
Network Bandwidth: > 2.5 Gbps
Setup Validator Node
1. Install Deelance Fullnode
Follow the instructions here to set up a full node.
2. Prepare Accounts
Two accounts require preparation before running a validator: the Consensus account and the BLS Vote account. Ensure these accounts match the corresponding ones when creating a new validator.
Generate Consensus Address
To create a new mining consensus account, run this command and set a password for the account:
: Where your key store files are saved.
If you already have a consensus account, skip this step. Save the password in a file named password.txt:
Generate BLS Vote Address
To set up a new BLS account, use this command:
: The directory to store your key store files.
If you already have a BLS vote key, you can create a BLS wallet and recover it with the keyfile using:
To retrieve your bls address, run:
Save the password in a file named blspassword.txt:
3. Start Validator Node
Warning: Please do not expose your RPC endpoints to public network!
Start your validator using the command line below:
Post Running
1. Update validator profile
You can submit a PullRequest to this repository to update your information:
2. Publish Validator Information
Please submit a Pull Request to this repo
This repository is a place for validator candidates to give potential delegators a brief introduction about your team and infrastructure, and present your ecosystem contributions.
3. Stop Validating
You can stop mining new blocks by sending commands in geth console
Connect to your validator node with geth attach ipc:path/to/geth.ipc
To resume validating,
Last updated