Genesis File

The genesis file is a JSON-formatted document that establishes the primary state of a blockchain. It serves as the foundational block, positioned at height 0, of the blockchain structure. The subsequent block, at height 1, recognizes the genesis file as its predecessor.

The genesis file encapsulates various critical data points such as the initial token distribution, genesis timestamp, default configurations, and more. Here's a detailed breakdown:

Key Components:

  1. chainId:

    • For test-net: 455214 To ensure compatibility with third-party services familiar with Ethereum, it's advisable not to employ a network ID previously utilized in the Ethereum ecosystem.

  2. period:

    • Represents the minimum time interval between the timestamps of two consecutive blocks. Recommended setting is 3 seconds for testnet.

  3. epoch:

    • Denotes the block count after which there's a checkpoint, followed by a reset of pending votes. Suggested value is 100 for the testnet.

  4. nonce:

    • In the DeeLance Blockchain, the nonce represents a secure proof-of-work for mining, ensuring the computational effort made to ascertain this token value. Consistently set to 0x0 in the DeeLance chain.

  5. timestamp:

    • Should always surpass the parent timestamp by at least one BLOCK_PERIOD.

  6. extraData:

    • EXTRA_VANITY: Preserves a fixed count of prefix bytes in extra-data for signer vanity. Typically, 32 bytes are suggested.

    • Signer Info: Denotes the validator address.

    • EXTRA_SEAL bytes: Fixed in number; this is the signature of the signer that seals the header.

  7. gasLimit:

    • Represents the collective Gas limit for every block. Set high to prevent limitations during testing, although Gas consumption by Contracts remains a consideration. For the testnet, the GasCeil is set to 80000000.

  8. difficulty:

    • Reflects the challenge encountered during nonce discovery for this block. Testnet recommendation is 0x1.

  9. mixHash:

    • Reserved for potential fork safeguards, akin to the DAO's extra-data. During standard operations, this should be populated with zeros.

  10. coinbase:

  • A system-managed address designated for accumulating block rewards.

  1. number:

  • Indicates the block's height in the chain, with the genesis positioned at block 0.

  1. parentHash:

  • A 256-bit Keccak hash of the complete header of the preceding block (inclusive of its nonce and mixhash). This acts as a link to the parent block, facilitating the creation of the block chain. Exclusively for the Genesis block, it is set to 0.

  1. Account and Address:

  • The DeeLance Blockchain employs a methodology akin to Ethereum for key generation. It utilizes 256 bits of entropy to generate a 24-word mnemonic based on BIP39. This mnemonic, combined with an empty passphrase, produces a seed. This seed subsequently produces a master key, from which the private key is derived using BIP32/BIP44. The HD prefix "44'/60'/" remains consistent with Ethereum's derivation path.

By understanding the structure and purpose of each component within the genesis file, participants can gain insight into the foundational principles governing the DeeLance Blockchain.

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